A design for Portland Municipal Courthouse : an honors thesis [(HONRS 499)]
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The CAPstone project in the Ball State University College of Architecture and Planning is meant to integrate all aspects of design that students have learned in their undergraduate studies. This year's CAPstone project challenged students to design a municipal courthouse for one of five major U.S. cities. My particular project's site is in Portland, Oregon. The main goal of the project was to create a building that would be a symbol of Portland's culture and ideals, a fresh interpretation of courthouse architecture, a model of sustainable design, and a revitalization of a central intersection in the city. In order to fulfill these objectives, I worked with a partner to develop a strong concept, and then to advance the design over the course of eight weeks using a variety of design methods and media. The final product consisted of four 20" x 20" presentation boards, a PowerPoint presentation, and a physical model (to scale). These presentation materials are included in the enclosed compact disc. The following paper is a documentation of the design process and an explanation of our design decisions.