Production of the Little star that could : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)

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Stockum, Jana L.
Kaitchuck, Ronald H.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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The purpose of this Planetarium show is to teach a basic concept of the stars and solar system to children. The show is designed for children who are approximately five years old. Among the concepts the children should learn are: the relation between a star's temperature and color, the variety of stars in the universe, the location of our sun in the temperature scale, and basic knowledge of the nine planets in our solar system. To get these concepts across, the show uses a cast of over 18 characters. The main character, Little Star, travels through the universe and meets several interesting stars in attempts to find some planets for himself. During the journey the audience will be educated and entertained. The following is a basic written guide on how to produce a planetarium show similar to The Little Star That Could.