A communications plan for career development professionals : advising students in the arts and humanities

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Koriath, Lindsay A.
Wessel, Roger D.
Issue Date
Thesis (M.A.)
Department of Educational Studies
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The purpose of this creative project was to create a communications plan for the Career Center at Ball State University geared toward constituents of the Colleges of Fine Arts and Sciences and Humanities, particularly those majors in the arts and humanities. This communications plan could also serve other institutions, and is designed to entice and engage both students and faculty in the arts and humanities with the professional staff of the Career Center. Research has shown that undergraduate as well as graduate students in the arts and humanities subjects find themselves positioned on an ambiguous career path. These students have been more reticent to seek out the services of Career Center, and faculty members have been reticent to collaborate with staff of the Career Center. Finding new ways of communicating with these constituents to show them how the resources and services offered at the Career Center can enhance the education of arts and humanities students and potentially engage more students. An examination follows of current trends and best practices in how contemporary career centers in colleges and universities in the United States assist students in the arts and humanities with career preparation. During a time when the value of humanities, arts, and liberal arts education is questioned, liberal arts educators and advocates are finding themselves in a defensive position for the liberal education and for the arts and humanities disciplines. By engaging more students and faculty, career development professionals can advocate for the arts and humanities and reach more students.