Managers' perceptions of the practice of public relations in the Institute of Public Administration, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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Al-Enezi, Sulaiman E.
Sharpe, Melvin L.
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Thesis (M.A.)
Department of Journalism
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This study examined the perception of managers in the Institute of Public Administration (IPA), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia as to the way public relations is practiced within Saudi Arabia based on a comparison with Grunig's four models of public relations. Out of a population of 38 directors and director generals, 30 participated in a personal interview for a 79 percent response rate.A Q-sort analysis revealed two perceptions of public relations performance in the Institute. Perceptions differed based on educational experience, and managerial levels. Top managers with Ph.Ds tended to view performance as related to Grunig's Press Agentry and One-Way Information models. Fewer level employees saw performance related to the Two-Way Asymmetrical and Symmetrical models. The researcher concluded that the more higher educated level managers had a better understanding of the reality of performance of public relations in IPA. Main attitudes from the sorts of the participants showing a significantly and different attitude in how directors generals and directors perceived public relations was being practiced in the IPA. The directors generals and directors strongly held different views concerning the practice of public relations in the IPA.
