A Q study of the effect of racial culture on the decision-making attitudes of public relations managers
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The purpose of this Q study was to learn the racial culture attitudes of public relations managers in charge of making decision for recruiting, hiring, communicating internally, managing clients.Twenty-one public relations managers from midwestern states: Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Indiana, and Missouri sorted Q statements according to their philosophical beliefs concerning racial diversity in the workplace. In analyzing the Q sorts, three viewpoints were revealed; Color Blind Managers, Politically Correct Managers, and Diversity Managers."Color Blind Managers" believed that everyone should be treated equally, with no special treatment or laws that would give more help to one race over another. "Politically Correct Managers" believed equal opportunity laws and policies were discriminatory and unfair; yet conformed to orthodox liberal opinions which were sensitive to racial causes. "Diversity Managers" understood the importance of incorporating diverse cultures into everyday decision-making and still felt equal opportunity laws were needed to help society become color blind.All three factors supported equal opportunity for all individuals, but the means to creating diversity and equal opportunities were different across the factors.