Carsharing at Ball State University : transportation redefined
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Carsharing is a progressive model of transportation that allows members to obtain benefits of private vehicle ownership without the inclusion of fixed costs and responsibilities typically associated with ownership. Carsharing provides users with a fleet of shared vehicles that can be rented for periods of time, charging users on a needs-basis. Carsharing is appealing to individuals whose need for a private vehicle is limited, and the carsharing industry is aided by factors such as: density, educational attainment, intermodal tranSit, and age. Across the nation, carsharing is growing at an exponential rate in dense metropolitan areas such as college campuses. By instituting a carsharing program, Ball State University would effectively reduce costs at the University level and ultimately for state taxpayers. Carsharing will enhance Ball State University campus services and amenities, along with strengthening the University's commitment to protect the environment.