Connections : a comprehensive thesis project : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)
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In a lot of ways the design process is a very complex system of research, conceptualization, documentation, construction, and design. The standard architectural studio process typically only allows students to experience a portion of the steps required within the process. The intention of the Connections thesis project was to allow my partner and me the opportunity to take a project through the entire design process. The thesis was considered a design-build project and allowed us to move beyond the typical theoretical design completed within the studio setting.The project was designed to be a semi-permanent installation that would be installed within the CAP building. The installation was to be an interactive seating space that would allow the user to interact in a variety of ways. It was our chosen task to not only design the project, but also build a full scale piece that could be used by all the inhabitants of the CAP building. There were three major components that we felt the thesis would teach us; The first was a extensive understanding of the ergonomics and qualities needed to design quality seating, second is being able to actually build one of the projects that we designed, and third is getting a understanding of materials and connections through the actual building of elegant pieces of furniture. Once the thesis project was completed a book was created as a way to graphically showcase the entire progression of the project.The project allowed us to deal firsthand with many issues found everyday in the design practice. We had to deal with the realistic issues of having a client, working within a particular budget, completing the project within a set timeframe, and handing many of the general problems that arise from these particular issues. The project gave us an extensive understanding of the true dedication and time it takes to complete a design-build project.