Rusting woman : a collection of corresponding poetry and photography : [an honors thesis (HONRS 499)]

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Holt, Amy R.
Hamilton, Mark B., 1949-
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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When I first asked about this Creative Project, I was told it should be a culmination of what I have learned since I have been in college. Although it was difficult to pin down exactly what I have learned the most about, I knew that, as an English major with minors in Art and Creative Writing, I wanted some sort of outlet for my final creative efforts. It did not take me long to decide that, for this project, I wanted to combine the efforts of my two passions, photography and poetry, in to one cohesive piece.The main goal of this project was to express, in a creative fashion, my own hopes, fears, and complications in relation to my inner struggles as well as in my relationships with others. I feel that, within the piece itself, an evolution of myself comes about, both personally and creatively.This piece consists of sixteen (16) sets of photographic images and poems. Each set consists of one poem and one photograph, which compliment each other in imagery and style. The photographs give an even clearer vision of the imagery found in the poetry. The piece is divided into three clusters that signify three different stages of my evolution. These clusters are titled, respectively; "Wish", "Without", and finally, "Rebirth."