Jackson Central city urban design and county office building
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I have spent the following year designing at two distinct levels. The autumn quarter was committed to urban design and the winter quarter to architectural design development. This process of an extensive site and city analysis, broad programatic reponse at the urban scale, and urban design development created a successful solution to a difficult common problem found in declining central cities. At the same time, I was able to choose a focus for my winter quarter architectural design development that was located in the context of the autumn quarter's design master plan.The special emphasis at the urban design level was to link two parts of town that had been seperated by a perimeter route around the CBD. The built environment used for the connection was a city and regional intermode transportation center. It also contained special commerical shops, support services, outdoor market, and centralized parking. This intermode transit center connects an existing Sheraton Hotel and Amtrak railroad station at opposite ends of the site. Also, the revival of a potential amenity, the Grand River, to become a pedestrian walkway was done. Special problems encountered were those of scaling down a vast site with new development and rehabilitation of existing buildings and reacting to a shifted grid that fanned out existing elements on the site.A formal approach to the site was the location of my architectural thesis. Major emphasis was put on the facade and the building response to its role in introducing pedestrians to the site. Special problems encountered were finding a building organization system (grid on fanned geometry) and designing at two distinct scales of perception.