Disparities black women face from police officers when reporting domestic violence
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It can already be hard being a woman. Try being a Black woman. There are many women that identify with this intersectionality. Factors like race and economic status can make it very hard for Black women to go in the world and live their lives without unbiased treatment. This is felt by Black women especially when reporting domestic violence to the police. Women in general face disparities that place them in an uncomfortable situation where police often antagonize them just because they are women. One in four women experience intimate partner violence, whether that is sexual or physical abuse by their partners (Truman, et al., 2014). Many fail to report these types of encounters because of past experiences from officers. Black women especially face biases and stereotypes from police when reporting victimization. I analyze the research on women’s experiences with the police, Black women’s experiences with the police, and recommendations to improve police responses to Black women victims of intimate partner violence. Though not all officers will know first-hand what it is like to be a Black woman, an understanding that a sense of protection, hope, and even justice could go a long way for women, and especially women of color.