Fetal alcohol syndrome : a case example : an honors thesis (HONRS 499)
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The purpose of this case narrative is to educate people on the trials and tribulations of not only a family dealing with a child afflicted with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, but also the surrounding issues of single motherhood, the welfare system cycle, and the lack of education and medical knowledge base for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. It is important that professional's who may encounter FAS understand that there are usually many other multifaceted problems that the family is dealing with. This thesis also points out needs that various people in the education, medical, and social welfare fields should look into when confronted with a possible FAS diagnosis. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to provide an example and a knowledge base for professionals, so that future FAS children and families are given the help and support that they need to survive and prosper happily and healthily.