A passion for politics : Esther Griffin White's role in Indiana politics, 1912-1938 : [an honors thesis] (HONRS 499)

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Stout, Kristin L.
Jones-Owen, Kim L.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?.)
Honors College
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While she was a key figure in the cultural and intellectual atmosphere of Richmond, Indiana, Esther Griffin White's zeal for Indiana politics remained consistent throughout most of her life. Not only did she break through gender barriers to advance her own political career, but also she continually combated political candidates and organizations that threatened the political rights of all women. In the 1920s, White became the first woman in Indiana to run for political office, to become Delegate to the Republican State Convention, to attempt a mayoral race, and to campaign for a seat in the House of Representatives. Despite her vital role in Indiana politics, White faced numerous roadblocks to her politically motivated messages. Until now, her legacy of political reform was hidden by lack of and/or misinformation in recent historical scholarship. Through her involvement in the women's suffrage movement and her political campaigns, it is evident that Esther Griffin White greatly contributed to the political climate of Richmond and the state of Indiana, and her achievements paved the way for Indiana women of today to express themselves politically.