Comparison of the effects of programmed instruction versus lecture on knowledge acquisition among post myocardial infarction patients
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The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of either a programmed instruction booklet or group lecture on knowledge of post myocardial infarction patients. A convenience sample of 30 post myocardial infarction patients enrolled in Cardiac Rehabilitation at a midwestern hospital were asked to participate.Subjects were assigned either to the experimental group or the lecture group. The pretest was administered to both groups. The experimental group received the self instruction booklet and the lecture group received a posttest was immediately completed by the participants. A nonequivalent pretest-posttest repeated measure design was utilized in the study.The results of the study showed a mean improvement in knowledge scores for both the booklet group and lecture group, with the booklet group having the larger gain in knowledge scores. The knowledge gain however, was not significant at the 0.05 level.