Creative writing class continued : an experience in editing and revision : an honors [thesis] (HONRS 499)
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The purpose of this creative project was to experience the extensive editing and revision process an author must undertake to perfect an essay or short story before submission for publication. All pieces in this collection were drafted in English 405-Creative Writing Workshop, English 407--Fiction Writing Workshop, or English 306-Creative Writing: the Personal Essay, but all underwent revision to varying degrees. The origins of these pieces range from writing exercise assignments, to musing, to dreams. As part of this project, the following three pieces were submitted for consideration for publication: "Can't Trust Nobody These Days" submitted to Odyssey and Riverbend literary magazines, "Loving Ain't Enough" submitted to Odyssey, and "To Kill a Cat" submitted to Mustang Press Poetry and Fiction Contest, where it received an Honorable Mention Award.