Disaster is Around the Corner, How Architecture Responds

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Redding, Dillon
De Brea, Ana
Phillippe, Megan
Issue Date
Thesis (B. Arch.)
College of Architecture and Planning
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Disasters happen all over the world and designing temporary relief shelters that adapt to people, and the site is overall overlooked. The project Disaster is Around the Corner: How Architecture Responds, addresses those problems by looking at designing a two-foot by three-foot panel. The panels are designed to connect on-site with minimal hardware that can be moved and put together by the occupant. The proposed units are completely collapsible, and the furniture is designed the same way. This is beneficial when a disaster hits because these panels can be shipped easily on a back of a truck or a ship. There will be brackets that are hung on the walls that can hold the beds, the chairs and benches, and the table. This is so the unit can maximize the overall space and adapting to the activity that will be taking place throughout the day. A similar system is applied to the shower and bath units that are shared by the occupants as well. Lastly, this project tries to focus on meeting the people where they are and making sure they have a temporary place to live.