A proposed high school for Richmond, Indiana
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The Richmond Community School System purchased sixty (60) acres of rolling land on the southeast side of the city. The site was purchased for its potential as a site for a second future high school.The site is quite rolling and is generously covered with trees. It is bordered on the east and south by farmland, on the north by single' family housing (both detached and attached), and on the west by a proposed recreation area which has already received federal funding.My philosophy of education underwent a change during design development since I was enrolled in an educational facilities course, Due to that change parts of the program as it. was written in the fall are invalid. My design expresses my new philosophy by the architectural characteristics of the spaces. I was attempting to create an educational environment which could respond to the changing needs of the participants both students and. members of the community. My concept is bases upon the student being responsible for his own education. The teachers simply become another resource or guide.