Co-teaching : the future of education

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Dearing, Pauline
Melser, Nancy A.
Issue Date
Thesis (B.?)
Honors College
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Co-teaching is a strategy that has become increasingly popular in the world of education. With many schools adopting inclusion classrooms, co-teaching has become a strategy to meet the needs of all learners. The analysis of seven different co-teaching strategies gives an idea of the effect co-teaching can have on student learning and achievement. In my research component of the project, I define co-teaching, analyze the seven co-teaching strategies, look into studies that have been conducted on the effect of co-teaching and determine teachers' roles in the classroom. Secondly, the brochure I created is a tool for pre-service teachers to use when determining how co-teaching can be implemented in their classrooms. Finally, I have documented my reflections from my co-teaching experience in a journal. This journal serves as a representation of my student teaching semester and how co-teaching played a role in the development of my students and classroom.