Investigating the effects of planetarium experiences on introductory college astronomy classes
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Ball State University has had a planetarium on its campus for many years. Not only has the planetarium been used to educate the general public on astronomical topics, it has also been used as an instructional tool in introductory astronomy classes. Given the planetarium’s history of being used as an instructional tool in college classes, it is important to formally investigate and quantify its impact on gains in learning in an effort to add to the existing body of research that shows the value of education in the planetarium. Three new planetarium experiences were added to the Fall 2022 ASTR 100 class, and ASTR 100 student Astronomy Diagnostic Test (ADT) pretest and post-test results were analyzed from historical and Fall 2022 semesters via pair dependent t-tests in order to ascertain how planetarium experiences affect ADT outcomes compared to other instructional practices and how the new planetarium experiences affect outcomes on the specific ADT questions they target as compared to past ASTR 100 classes.