Rebirth from within : lessons learned from the further redevelopment of Fort Benjamin Harrison

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Smolek, Sarah K.
Parker, Francis H. (Francis Haywood), 1938-
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Thesis (M.U.R.P.)
Department of Urban Planning
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The United States Department of Defense has been closing bases since 1988 as part of an effort to consolidate and reallocate military resources. In 1992, BRAC slated Fort Benjamin Harrison for a 1995 closure. Earlier studies have found that the closure and reuse was a success, but it is far from over. The Fort Benjamin Harrison Reuse Authority continues to create plans for different areas of the Fort's land 13 years after it closed. Looking at how local governments were involved in the reuse provides a guide for future decision-making, at the Fort and at other bases facing closure. Combining the experiences at the Fort with the experiences of other bases in similar reuse situations and then looking at their challenges and achievements are combined into a case study for future redevelopment projects.
