Senior high learning facility for Clay County
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The following is a document influenced by a traditional educational process, which is in contrast to my educational philosophy, i.e., in regards to my thesis project and my personal beliefs. I attempted to develop a high school based on the individual as the learner, in which he may reinforce his weak areas and strengthen his career goals. This is what I feel education should be, but presently the system forces students to build up school images or stereotype their professors. I took it upon myself to select a project that would challenge my weak areas in order to assure a learning experience during thesis year. My thesis project was an attempt to develop a strong philosophy and concept for the building environment to respond; this environment is more important than the structure itself. I set out to develop a learning environment in which the student feels is for him and not for the glory of the faculty, staff, or architect. My sole aim for this year was to learn, which I feel I accomplished quite well. The drawings were done to satisfy thesis requirements and do not reflect the total knowledge I gained. This document can not begin to represent the knowledge gained, and should not be looked upon as a final product.