The History of Navajo Fraternity and Early History of Iota Alpha Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity At Ball State University 1921-1964: The Teachers College Years
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The history of the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity chapter at Ball State University is rich and unique In one facet it mirrors the history of the college/university in Muncie, Indiana, and in another facet demonstrates the cyclical nature of social fraternity life on college campuses during the 20th Century. For predating its affiliation with Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity in 1951, this fraternity had a lengthy history as a local club/fraternity dating back to 1921. They were called the Navajos, the first social club on the young state campus. In examining the evolution of this local club into a chapter of one of the nation‘s largest and most respected fraternities, one needs to keep his/her examination in the context of the growth and evolution of Ball State University. Recently, Professors Anthony O. Edmonds and E. Bruce Geelhoed of the BSU History Department authored the first definitive history of Ball State (published by the Indiana University Press). This task began in 1993 when a sesquicentennial committee appointed by the president of Ball State was charged with planning the 75th anniversary of the state institution The committee made as one of its chief priorities the research and publication of such a history that charted the school‘s start through the auspices of Provost Warren Vander Hill, a member of the committee.