I.M.B.Y. (in my backyard)
Dotson, Olon
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As future architects, it is our goal to use the poetry of built space to spark change within our communities. This must start by understanding the community and the history of existing neighborhoods. We can use this timeline and moments within as an expression of storytelling to influence structure and user type. Throughout the respected research areas, this begins to get depicted through the social discrimination of race, religion, and ethnicity. Although the United States is one of the most diverse countries in the world, our cities are still subdivided by the described discriminatory factors. This is due to prior segregation and the continuation of it through the industrial revolution. As our major cities expanded, the population grew around it full of life and community; however, as they began to collapse, the groups that were divided would become neglected leading to areas of abandonment and decay. These issues impact us today with social and environmental injustices. The existing community persists within these areas with strong-knit communities partnered alongside poor economic and social growth. This proposal is to provide a voice and allocated space for the immediate residents. Giving the local people an opportunity to exhibit their cultural identity with creation studios, public space, and culinary incubators. The goal behind this is to influence other developments down the adjacent corridors and into the immediate residential districts. As a resident of white decent, it is impossible for me to understand or experience the problems and discrimination embedded within/against different racial communities, but I believe it is my duty as a civil servant to recognize the existing issues with provided solutions for future growth. This proposal idealizes the welfare of the people.