Jab Molassie: an analysis and performance guide for a Caribbean folk musical drama
Crow, Andrew
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This document identifies Dominique Le Gendre’s work, Jab Molassie as a Caribbean Folk adaptation of Igor Stravinsky’s L’Histoire du Soldat, and presents its connections to Western music and Caribbean music and culture. The document also provides a performance guide enabling authentic performance practice of Jab Molassie outside of the Caribbean. In order to promote and encourage further study and performances of Jab Molassie, key musical concepts and significant Caribbean musical elements are identified. These musical elements include specific genres of Caribbean music, the use of Caribbean musical instruments, and specific aspects of Caribbean culture. The performance guide includes notes on performance style, a plot synopsis, character profiles, instrumentation, information for casting choices including vocal fach, and a full transcription of the libretto using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The dissertation details the connections between L’Histoire du Soldat, the work upon which Jab Molassie was modelled, and Jab Molassie. In addition, the dissertation seeks to promote the work of Dominique Le Gendre, one of the most successful female composers hailing from the Caribbean.